Each Person can leave in the body of parasites low. Found, according to sources, the who, that every second man in the year infected by helminths. Sources of infection are sick people, animals. Parasites transmitted to the legs fly. Man can by virus, such as through broken skin, mucous membranes, swallowing worm eggs together with water, food and dust.

Unfortunately, not a person, the presence of parasites in the body, but only begins to feel, if you will be a lot and starts to have a distinct malaise. So, how can I determine whether or not parasites in the human body, symptoms and a lot of useful information – more.
It is important! Every man needs to know, what are the reasons for the presence of parasites in the body.
How to independently detect the presence of parasites
In the case of infection by helminths in the initial phase, you detect their presence through a series of characteristic features. So, in the event of timely detection can be used to prevent and to diagnose a for further propagation, on time and on target, and the treatment.
You can even your state, to determine easily, how do you know whether the parasites in the human body, the symptoms of the infection at all common.
The presence of worms in the body is determined by the following characteristics:
- the emergence of eczema on the skin, papillomas, hives, in the Form of allergic reactions;
- the presence of cough, Bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, which can not be treated by traditional methods;
- frequent colds, as this reduces the presence of worms, immunity;
- in the night, in your sleep, grinding of the teeth will be playable;
- Abdominal Pain, Joint Pain;
- Diarrhea, bloating or constipation, caused by insufficient release of pancreatic juice and bile, the output of the long worms are blocked;
- brittle nails;
- Hair loss and dryness of hair;
- Pallor of the skin;
- nausea and vomiting the intake of food;
- Headache, in connection with the constant noise;
- Swelling of the hands and feet;
- Heightened state of nervousness, and the presence of depressive state.

So how do you know if parasites in the body at home themselves, so it is to be noted that the diagnosis is facilitated by the fact that most of the characteristics referred to there are almost all members of the family, such as helminths, almost all of the present infected in the house. In the presence of these characteristics, you need to be in the hospital and at least in the first place, the analysis Kala on eggs of the worm, as well as an appointment to the local therapist.
The presence of worms and opistorhoza in children, if you stick to early in the morning to after the adhesive tape is transparent. If it can be discovered an infection, then the eggs worm on the adhesive surface.
It is important! For the accuracy of the analysis give must feces on eggs a worm through the day 3 times in the course of the week.
Indications for the determination of helminths in the case of a child at home
Due to a lack of compliance with the hygiene regulations, most frequently attack exposed to deworm children. But also in the Manifestation of infection in them has its own peculiarities, in comparison to adult people.
An experienced pediatrician can immediately detect the presence of worms by the following features:
- slûno-course while you sleep, and the conversation;
- Skin flaking eyelids to the eyes;
- to sleep frequent whims of the child, and the desire for a long time;
- with the increasing demand the consumption of sweets;
- Itching in the anal area;
- for brittle nails of the child and dry hair;
- frequent cold-related diseases.
In the case of Manifestation of several of the above characteristics, you can argue deworm the presence of infestation.
If you still have doubts and don't know how do you know if parasites in the body, is the most important sign of infection is considered to be a violation of the gastro — intestinal tract.

Especially since the parasites settled there. They feed of nutrients from man-made food products to poison their excretions of the body, causing it more damage. You can see the eggs in a thick and a thin intestines, liver, lung, lymph nodes, heart and even the brain
It is important! Not to forget the presence of the parasites in the environment, compliance with Hygiene Standards and prevention.
What disorders occur in the body
During long periods of non-detection of parasites several complications and diseases can occur:
- Anemia;
- Delay in the development of children (mental and spiritual);
- inflammatory processes in the intestine, gall bladder and bile ducts;
- the weakening of the immunity;
- Bronchitis and pulmonary inflammation;
- Oncology;
- Joint Area Of Myalgia.
As we reported, as you know, if the parasites in the human body. The symptoms depend mainly on the parasite infestation of certain organs, the time of infection. Therefore, it is necessary to remember and a year to carry out an investigation on their presence.